
About AmmoSearch.com

AmmoSearch is a free, public, secure, price comparison, ammunition search engine that offers a simplified interface for firearms owners to quickly find ammo and retailers of ammo.

AmmoSearch is not an online store, we do not sell any products. We do, however, make it easier to shop for the best deals on ammo in just a few clicks and included the ability to save searches (as many as you like) and get alerts sent via email or phone when a price change occurs.

Our goal is to create a completely free website that focuses solely on ease of use for the visitors (members) with minimal advertisement intrusion, rock solid security (all pages are locked down via SSL 256bit encryption), compatibility with all devices (desktop computers to cell phones), limited logging (only for use demographics) for privacy concerns, and speed.

For vendors, our goal is to keep the focus on ammo only and allow greater control over product feeds and descriptive content, as well as allow the ability to retrieve demographic and other information to better serve their customer base. To keep traffic at a bare minimum, we created a system whereby 2 different product feeds are used. A full feed containing all product information and a tiny feed that only contains price and stock changes. This allows smooth updates for the visitors and greatly reduces bandwidth (saving $$$). The only thing retrieved are the feed files, so no unneccessary web traffic is sent to our vendors websites.

AmmoSearch strives to support the latest web & security standards both online and offline and new features will be added continually to the site. Feel free to send comments & suggestions via our Contact page. We'd love to hear from you!